Alangkah lucunya negeri ini - Indonesia Movies

Film Indonesia Citra Latest Cinema Film production. Entitled "How funny this country." This type of film comedy. The following review of this film:

Finish college, S1, Muluk was almost 2 years old are still unemployed. Even so, Muluk always with a positive attitude and never give up.

One day, he meets a pickpocket named Comet had not expected to start opening job opportunities for Muluk. Muluk Comets brought into place, then the introduction of the Comet boss named Jarot. And Muluk was shocked because there are many children there are still the same age who worked as a pickpocket's Comet.

Then, Mulukpun thinking, then he gives advice or offer to Jarot (the boss a pickpocket). With full confidence, he told Jarot that he can manage all their finances, with the requirements asked for the distribution of 10% of the pickpocket.

Did Muluk educate these children?

Indonesia Movies, Film Indonesia, Comedy Indonesia, Film Indonesia Terbaru